Season Sickness
26th May 2023
What if, like travel sickness, some of us experience Season Sickness?
In our daily lives, we may not take sight of the horizon, the world slowly shifting into different seasons, and with it, there becomes a steady unease and general queasiness.
In cities and built up areas, the changes in nature are not as apparent. We can sense temperatures and weather changes, but as mammals, we were once in tune with this annual dance, the ebb and flow of trees growing and receding, colours changing in the landscapes. Now, most of us no longer have an unencumbered view of to this spectacle.
There may be a sense of something not being quite right, not quite feeling congruent with our surroundings. And that is it. We are stationary, our urban environments stagnant, yet nature is moving, changing at such a pace with each passing hour of sunshine and rain. We cannot see the movement so we get season sick.
The solution? - Look to the horizon. See the season, see, smell and taste the change.